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Dan Lovy

Date Night


Tire Tracks & Footfalls: to the

rhythm of I love you


She takes his hand and looks up

into a sky full of lights-

both man and nature-made.

Stars and streetlights

suns and billboards

planets and glowing windows. 


They are awash, afloat, 

wholly engulfed by the eyes of the other. 

And yet

cradled by a world so full of love

that the bounds of our atmosphere could not contain it.


And so we shot our love into the stratosphere. 

Sent our love to Mars with Opportunity.

Two souls stand connected on a summer street 

so taken with each other that they forget how lucky they are

to love in the same world as those

who loved a little robot with barely any chance at all.


Who loved her up to Mars and across its surface.

Loved her as her life became a matter of years, not days.

Loved her through the fateful dust storm.

Loved her through her slumber. 

Loved her anyways.


Did you know we sang to her?

As she lay there, in her sleep. 

We sang her classics

and rock.

Here comes the sun

I will survive.

Dust in the wind.

Keep yourself alive. 

We sang to her, present by a bedside we could not reach.


Until it became clear,

Opportunity had passed us by.


And what did we lovers do? 

When we knew there was nothing more to be done?


We sang her a love song. 

I’ll be seeing you. 


Let us bow our heads and pray-

That this pair

on the corner

on the street

under the sky full of stars

feels a love as strong as opportunity. 

Walks together along one path

and every footfall beats into the bustling street

A rhythm-

I love you I love you I love you.

~ Kate Zelkowitz

Meet the Creators

Dan Lovy

Dan Lovy is usually seen around town with a camera in hand. He is known for capturing a variety of images and moments of life here in Ipswich. While his focus is on digital photography, Dan will also take you back in time with images captured using vintage film cameras. If anyone finds an old camera in an attic, Dan will get a call. Dan has been a lifelong photographer going back to film darkroom days. Ipswich has inspired a reawakening. His work tends towards natural subjects with people being his favorite. He has just begun displaying his work publicly.

Kate Zelkowitz

Kate Zelkowitz is a writer, choreographer, and Ipswich native. She has been writing poems and prose for as long as she can remember. She has over ten years of dance training in jazz, modern, and ballet, and has loved helping students experience the magic of dance the way she did as an assistant teacher and an instructor at High Street Studios. Kate is a junior at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, pursuing a B.A in Communications, with a concentration in Digital Media Innovation. She is also a former specialty espresso barista and makes a mean cup of coffee.

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